Mega Neon Surprises in Roblox Adopt Me!

This video has a surprise reveal of two mega neon pets and a surprise neon. Don’t want to know what the surprise is just yet? Stop reading and watch the Roblox YouTube video. For everyone else we made a mega neon Wolpertinger and a mega neon Kirin! Both are part of the brand new mythical egg update. Also just for fun we made a neon bee! That’s right, check them out!

Mega Neon Wolpertinger

Previously we made a neon wolpertinger in a Roblox Adopt Me YouTube Video. We grew that neon and more up and decided it was time to turn it into a mega neon Wolpertinger!

Mega Neon Wolpertinger Roblox Adopt Me
Image of a mega neon wolpertinger in Roblox Adopt Me!

What is a wolpertinger? In German folklore, a wolpertinger (also called wolperdinger or woiperdinger) is an animal said to inhabit the alpine forests of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. In Roblox a Wolpertinger is a common pet, which was released in Adopt Me! along with the Mythic Egg on August 19, 2021. The Mega Neon version cycles through the colors of the rainbow in the chest/neck fur and inside the ears.

Mega Neon Kirin

Previous we made a neon kirin in a YouTube Video. We grew that neon and more up and decided it was time to make a mega neon kirin!

Mega Neon Kirin in Adopt Me! Roblox
A mega neon kirin featured in Roblox Adopt Me!

What is a kirin? One of the rarest, most awesome, and most powerful creatures ever known in East Asia is the unicorn-like kirin. In Roblox the kirin is an uncommon pet which was released in Adopt Me! along with the Mythic Egg on August 19, 2021.


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